Donating To The Collection

Do you have anything related to The Gordon Highlanders you would like to give to The Museum?


The Gordon Highlanders Museum has a collection of over 26,000 artefacts which range from the earliest days of the Regiment to the present day. Each item tells a unique story and has an important part to play in preserving the history of The Gordon Highlanders. 

If you are considering donating an object to The Gordon Highlanders Museum, please contact us at  or fill in the online form below before visiting, so that a member of staff can offer some initial advice.

This will ensure:

  • Someone is available to meet with you on the day if you bring the object(s) to us to avoid potential disappointment.
  • We can advise whether our museum is truly the best place for your object(s) or recommend other museums or regimental institutions you may wish to approach.

You should also:


  • Make sure that the object you are offering us belongs to you, or have evidence that you have the authority to offer us the object(s)


If you would like to present an item for the Collection, please bear in mind the following:

  • We are unable to give valuations.
  • We can’t accept items with specific conditions attached.
  • The Gordon Highlanders Museum will consider every individual offer for the Collection and consequently it may take some time to respond to you with a decision.
  • PLEASE NOTE: No firearms, bladed weapons or other ordnance should be brought to the Museum under any circumstances. If wishing to donate these items please seek advice from the Curator.
  • Our Collections are large, and not all items can be displayed. All, however, form an invaluable part of our Collection.
  • We are unable to accept unsolicited loans.
  • There may be another regimental museum better suited for some items.
  • We will not accept items that may be in contravention of local and national laws and may present a danger, either to museum staff/volunteers and visitors, or to other objects in the collection.


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